Are you expanding an existing business or starting a brand new venture?
We want to hear your story and offer the support you need to achieve your goals. Please fill out the form, and our staff can provide the information that you need.

Client Information Form

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Personal Information
First name is required Cannot exceed 128 characters
Last name is required Cannot exceed 128 characters
Email address is required Please enter a valid email address Cannot exceed 255 characters
Phone number is required Please enter a valid phone number Cannot exceed 20 characters
Place of residence is required
Please specify place of residence Cannot exceed 255 characters
Business Information
Business status is required
Business name is required Cannot exceed 255 characters
Type of business is required Cannot exceed 128 characters
# of years in operation is required
Please enter numeric only Number is too large
Please enter numeric only Number is too large
Please specify business industry Cannot exceed 255 characters
Please specify what can we help you with Cannot exceed 255 characters
Cannot exceed 1000 characters

The information on this form is collected by the South Georgian Bay Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC) and the Centre For Business and Economic Development (CBED) in connection with the administration of business support services. The information collected is governed by the privacy laws outlined in Municipal, Provincial, and Federal Privacy Legislation.

I understand that I am solely responsible for the planning, implementation, financing, operation, success and development of my business. Any advice or suggestions made are for my consideration and I am not bound to take any such advice or suggestions and can obtain advice and assistance from any source, but ultimately any decisions pertaining to my business is my responsibility. I release the representatives from SBEC and CBED from any claim for loss or damages suffered by me or my business, in connection with the counselling or consultation provided.

Please agree to these terms

Your information has been submitted successfully.

One of our consultants will be in contact shortly.